Wine Pleasures International B2B Workshop Italy 2025

17-19 February 2025
Meet your perfect match at the Wine Pleasures International B2B Workshop Campania, Italy 17 -19 February 2025

Boutique wine producers and international wine importers with active sales channels looking to source new wines can meet face to face at the Wine Pleasures International B2B Workshop.

How will it work exactly?

Thanks to our bespoke online B2B diary platform “My Wine Pleasures” both producers and wine importers , distributors and the on trade (from Asia, Australasia, Europe and The Americas) can schedule meetings in advance of the event.


Both buyers and producers attending  will be able to schedule up to 20 meetings at the event venue. Additional meetings and tastings can happen over lunches and dinners and in the free time slots.

New Venue for 2025!

The Wine Pleasures B2B Workshop will take place in the Hotel de la Villa, Avellino close to Napoli . This hotel affords a perfect setting for the Wine Pleasures International B2B Workshop.

Producer Programme

Monday 17 February

10. 00 – 17.00 Scheduled transfers from Napoli Airport throughout the day to the event venue until 17.00 if required
15.00 – 18.00 Registration and time to store wines and set up meeting table for evening tasting.
19.00 – 20.15 Wine tasting & time for scheduling extra appointments
20.30 – 22.00 Dinner and wine matching  in the hotel restaurant

Tuesday 18 February

09.00 – 10.00 Workshop opens – time for tasting and/or scheduling extra appointments
10.00 – 13.00 B2B meetings with importers as per your schedule
13.00 – 15.00 Lunch
15.00 – 15.30 Free time
15.30 – 18.30 B2B meetings with importers as per your schedule.
20.30 Dinner and wine matching in the hotel restaurant

Wednesday 19 February

09.00 – 10.00 Workshop opens
10.00 – 13.30 B2B meetings with importers as per your schedule. (in person or online)
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch & end of in person workshop
14.45 Transfer to Bari Airport if required


Exclusive Workshop table:  €1395 + VAT if applicable and includes:

  • Access and use of an online diary system prior to the event.
  • Meeting table for B2B in person meetings for the duration of the event
  • Wine storage and access to fridges, ice buckets and ice
  • Lunch 18 & 19 February in the venue hotel
  • Glassware for tastings and meetings
  • Transfers from Napoli Airport on day 1 of the event and return on day 3 of the event at 14.30 if required

Exclusive Workshop table with accommodation & breakfast:  Just €1695 + VAT if applicable and includes:

All of the above +

  • 2 nights accommodation at the Hotel de la Ville with breakfast

Shared Workshop table: €875 + VAT if applicable each producer (max 2 per table) and includes:

  • Access and use of an online diary system prior to the event. Note. Only one set of meetings per table.
  • Meeting table for B2B in person meetings for the duration of the event & own shared bedroom for virtual meetings. Note: Both producers will have one schedule of meetings only between them.
  • Wine storage and access to fridges, ice buckets and ice
  • Lunch 18 & 19
  • Glassware for tastings and meetings
  • Transfers from Napoli Airport on day 1 of the event and return on day 3 of the event at 14.30 if required

Wine Pleasures International B2B Workshop Italy 2025 - Registrazione/Registration

Please complete this form in ENGLISH

  • This is required for invoice purposes.
  • Region 1Region 2Region 3 
    Please tick one only
  • Please provide a brief description of your terroir. Include nº hectares with vines, soil, altitude and climate
  • If you have an exclusive distribution agreement in any of the countries you list please add in brackets (exclusive agreement) against each country.
  • In the case of large countries such as Canada, USA etc please specify states.
  • ImporterCountryVolume Nº of palets 
  • Wine nameAppellationGrapes & %VintageColorCategory 
    To add up to 7 refs please press the add button. For category please specify if still, sparkling or fortified.
    * Companies registered in Italy must add 22% VAT to the registration fee. Payment becomes due no later than 5 days after receipt of the invoice. Please note that should you wish to show more than 7 refs at the event then you should book a second meeting table at a discounted rate. Registration fee of the second table includes a second person and shared accommodation. All registration fees include a meeting table with 4 chairs, water, serviettes, glassware, wine storage, fridge access, ice & 2 lunches within the event schedule. Fully inclusive price includes 2 nights accommodation at the event venue with breakfast.
  • If you have ticked the share table option please indicate the name of the producer you will be sharing with
  • Credit card holderCredit card numberExpiry date 
    Please note we are not able to accept AMEX
    Denominazione: Wine Pleasures International B2B Workshop in Italy. Luogo, dateeorario: Il Workshop si terrà nella Hotel de la Ville lunedì 17 a mercoledì 19 febbraio 2025. Orario del workshop: Dalle 18.30 alle 20.30 il giorno 17 febbraio, dalle 09.30 alle 18.00 il giorno 18 febbraio e dalle 09.30 alle 15.00 il giorno 19 febbraio. Organizzazione: Wine Pleasures S.r.l.s.Via A. Vivaldi, 11 - 06124 Perugia - Italy T: +39 347 6785162 Partecipazione Per partecipare al Workshop B2B di Wine Pleasures 2025 è necessario presentare il modulo di domanda debitamente compilato accompagnato dal documento di pagamento della registrazione della cantina. Questa richiesta sottoscritta implicherà l’accettazione delle condizioni di partecipazione. 1. Diritti di registrazione 1ª persona La quota di iscrizione è di 1.395 (+22%IVA) euro per la prima persona e include l’inserimento nel catalogo del Workshop, un tavolo per gli appuntamenti con 4 sedie, un’insegna identificativa, il trasporto dall’aeroporto di Bari secondo il programma e i pranzi di lavoro secondo il programma. 2. Diritto di iscrizione della 2ª persona (stesso tavolo) 165 Euro (+22%IVA) 3. Diritto di registrazione secondo tavolo stessa società, la quota di iscrizione è di 950 euro (+ 22% IVA). 4. Diritto di iscrizione 3ª persona (stesso tavolo)165 Euro (+22%IVA) Modalità di pagamento I pagamenti per la partecipazione al Workshop saranno indicati nelle date e negli importi indicati qui di seguito: Il100% al momento dell’iscrizione. Le cantine che, per qualsiasi motivo, rinunciano a partecipare al Workshop, dovranno comunicare per iscritto queste dimissioni a Wine Pleasures, con la conseguente perdita delle somme versate fino a quel momento. Pubblicità al workshop I prodotti espositivi, i materiali stampati e il materiale pubblicitario possono essere presentati solo al tavolo di lavoro e nello spazio assegnato per la degustazione dei vini. La sua distribuzione nelle altre aree dell'hotel è vietata. Elenco dei buyer registrati al Workshop Le inserzioni e i profili degli acquirenti ricevuti prima del workshop sono ad uso esclusivo della cantina prima, durante e dopo il workshop. La cantina in nessun caso potrà trasferire queste informazioni a terzi. Disposizioni aggiuntive Cause di forza maggiore Wine Pleasures si riserva il diritto di ridurre o prolungare la durata del Workshop, nonché di posticipare la sua celebrazione, ogni volta che circostanze particolari lo consigliano o cause di forza maggiore lo richiedano. Tali circostanze non saranno motivo sufficiente per i partecipanti a risolvere il loro contratto o a richiedere qualsiasi tipo di risarcimento, come danni. Offerta contrattuale Tutti i partecipanti, per il semplice fatto di sottoscrivere il modulo di partecipazione del Workshop, accettano queste Regole di partecipazione. Questi standard sono stabiliti in termini e condizioni contrattuali. Competenza Per tutti gli obblighi reciproci, il luogo di esecuzione e il foro competente è la Corte di giustizia di Barcellona. Protezione dei dati In conformità con l'articolo 5 della L.O. Protezione dei dati personali 15/1999, si informa che i dati personali verranno inseriti in un file al fine di fornire il servizio, tracciare e inviare informazioni sui nostri prodotti / servizi. È possibile esercitare i diritti di accesso, rettifica, cancellazione e opposizione.

Buyer Programme

Monday 17 February

10. 00 – 19.00 Scheduled transfers from Napoli Airport throughout the day until 17.00 to the event venue
19.00 – 19.30 Registration, welcome and programme presentation
19.30 – 20.15 Wine tasting & time for scheduling extra appointments
20.30 – 22.00 Dinner and wine matching in the hotel restaurant

Tuesday 18 February

09.00 – 10.00 Workshop opens – time for tasting and/or scheduling extra appointments
10.00 – 13.00 One to one meetings with producers as per your schedule
13.00 – 15.00 Lunch
15.00 – 15.30 Free time
15.30 – 18.30 One to one meetings with producers as per your schedule. Opportunity to work overtime!
20.30 Dinner and wine matching in the hotel restaurant

Wednesday 19 February

09.00 – 10.00 Workshop opens – time for tasting and/or scheduling extra appointments
10.00 – 13.30 One to one meetings with wineries
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch & end of in person B2B Workshop
14.45 Transfer to Bari Airport
15.30 Winery visit programme begins for those buyers who registered for this post event activity

Thursday 20 February –  Full day winery visit programme for thos buyers who chose this option

Friday 21 February – Transfer to Napoli Airport for buyers attending the post event winery visit programme.


The only cost to participate in the event is the Registration fee of €125 Euros which is payable if and when your application is approved. This fee is refundable if a purchase is made up to 6 months after the event.

The registration fee for those importers wishing to stay on two extra days for the post event winery visit programme  is €595

What’s in the deal?

  • Transfers on day 1 of the from Napoli Airport to the event venue between 10.00 and 17.00
  • 2 nights accommodation at the Hotel de la Ville with breakfast
  • Lunch 18 & 19 February and dinner 17 & 18 February in the venue hotel
  • Travel subsidy to and from Napoli Airport as follows: Asia, Australasia  up to €650, The Americas up to €550, BC, WA, CA, OR up to €600 Caucasia, India, Middle East up to €350 & Europe up to €250
  • Transfer to Napoli Airport 19 February at 14.30
  • Access and use of an online diary system prior to the event

Buyer Testimonials

“…..On the business side, I remain convinced after 40+ years in this industry that B2B’S like this are a much more productive way to truly get to know producers, their stories, and their wines.  No bothersome distractions of too much noise, loud announcements, lack of seating or tasting space, producers looking past you at all of the other potential buyers who might be wandering by their stand.  It is respectful and focused face-to-face time, even if every meeting is not a perfect fit it is a great way to learn about the producers’ craft and make new industry friends who might come into play at a later date” daqopa brands – elevens imports, USA.

“This kind of “fair” is more focused, less stands and more personally. The prebooked meetings of 45 minutes gives a good structure and the possibility to choose them myself and even opportunity to do spontaneous meetings. The 2-3 day “tasting” gives opportunity to come back to the persons you want to continue discussions with. A very good overview of the Spanish wine regions, interesting to compare same grape from different regions” Arvid Nordquist, Sweden

“Workshops for our medium size structure are the ideal buying conditions for us” Overland Trade, France

“I prefer the workshop method because it’s more informative and personal (e.g. the wine seminar at the first evening, especially for people who don’t have experiences with Spanish wines. The workshop method very good, one felt nearly in a “familiar” atmosphere, one had the chance to speak with a lot of people during the meals in a very relaxed atmosphere” CS-ENO, Germany

“I think you have time for tasting and speaking with the Bodegas; it´s more personally. It is better than a normal trade fair!” Bodega Andaluza, Germany

“I never experienced such a personal and efficient possibility to get to know that many wineries in such a short period of time”. Fine Spirits, Switzerland

“I have been most pleased to be part of this event. It has reached my expectations and now it is time to follow up to grab the orders”. Global Trade Search, USA

“The highlight for me was that there were local rather small wineries that normally couldn’t afford a big fair like VinExpo”. Cissus Holgros, Denmark

“Just to let you know that on a business point of view, your event was very to PVI.I have found new suppliers and discovered interesting wines and wineries.This should bring for us and for some wineries some good business within the next month” Planete Vins International, France

“Nice event from where you can get exactly information you would need and meet the people you exactly looking for. Professional and nice atmosphere and good place to meet connosieurs from different countries”. AS Valior, Estonia

“Der katalonische Workshop war gelungen! Neben der excellenten Organisation und dem angehmen Ambiente waren die teilnehmenden Bodegas meist “echte” Entdeckungen. Ich hoffe nur, dass in Zukunnft meine Landsleute das Angebot von Wine Pleasures mehr nutzen werden”. Herzlichen Dank! Manfred Wine Pool, Germany

“I very much liked the limited number of producers at the wine pleasures workshop. I would like to have a choice of potentially meeting with five or six producers from each of the wine appelations and regions from around Spain. The Alimentary in Barcelona, VinExpo Bordeaux, VinItaly are too big and too overwhelming.” Borvin Beverage, USA

Wine Pleasures International B2B in Italy 2025 Buyer Application Form

Please choose an attendance option and then complete the form as fully as possible. Please tick one attendance option only.

    *Registration fee is refundable if a purchase is made up to 6 months after event completion (min 2 pallets) provided the purchase is not from an existing provider. Registration fees include accommodation 2 nights, lunches and dinners and scheduled transfers to and from Naples Airport. Registration fees second person in shared room.
  • Note: Two persons from the same company may attend provided they share the same room and provided they make a separate meeting schedule. 2nd person same company is not eligible for flight subsidy. Extra costs for the 2nd person are as follows: Workshop only: €195, Workshop + winery visit programme: €650.
  • Please make sure you put https:// before the web site address otherwise the form will not send.
  • If you don't need one for your country just put NOT NEEDED.
  • Please specify approx amount in Euros
  • Please specify number of palets
  • Please specify number of palets
  • WineryCountry 
  • WineryCountry 
    Click on the add button to add new rows
  • Please provide information on aims and expectations of the event. Please do not be wishy washy such as saying to "to add more wines to our portfolio"
    If you are NOT paying by credit card please wait for written confirmation of your place(s) which will be emailed to you. In the case of registereing a second person please note that you will need to share the same room. For an additional single room please see terms and conditions Day Visitor registrations do not entitle you to flight subsidy, accommodation and dinners. Includes lunch.
  • Credit card holderCredit Card NºExpiry date 
    Please note we only debit your credit card with the registration fee if we are able to offer you a place.
    1. GENERAL By completing and submitting the Buyer Application form, the Buyer understands that their registration must be confirmed, in writing by Wine Pleasures, before participation is allowed. Buyers are only guaranteed a place when the non refundable Registration fee of €130 per person (€650 if registering to attend the both the Workshop + visit prog) is received. 2. LIABILITY AND INSURANCE Wine Pleasures or the hosting function hotel are not liable for any claim of theft, damage of property, or injury sustained while participation takes place. In the event of cancellation of the programme, or any part thereof, due to civil discord, terrorism, military action or natural events occurring without fault on the part of Wine Pleasures, there shall be no refund of fees paid nor refund of travel costs or expense already incurred in conjunction with your registration in the event. The Buyer is responsible for all travel arrangements and costs incurred but will be reimbursed flight costs upon presentation of an invoice once the event has finished but no later than 30 days after event completion after which date the buyer will no longer be eligible for payment of subsidy. The maximum amounts payable are as follows: Canada, USA, Central & South America: up to €550 Asia, Australia & NZ: up to €650 Europe: up to €250 Caucasia, India, Russia, Middle East: up to €350 Subsidy rates specified for travel outside Europe are payable for flights arriving/departing within 3 days prior to or upon completion of the event. Should the flight arrival/departure date exceed 3 days prior to or upon completion of the event, then the buyer is only eligible for the max subsidy amount payable for Europe. It is the Buyer's responsibility to secure and pay any fees in relation to a visa for the country where the Workshop is taking place. 3. PARTICIPATION The Buyer understands that their presence is required throughout the duration of the workshop. The Buyer shall not take part in non-Wine Pleasures functions which would preclude their attendance at all published and scheduled Wine Pleasures activities. The Buyer shall also not participate in winery visits or FAM trips sponsored and supported by companies and organisations not actively participating in the Wine Pleasures event. No family members, friends or business partners of the Buyer who are not officially registered shall be admitted to the Workshop unless previously agreed in writing prior to the workshop. The buyer agrees to have secured a minimum of 15 appointments prior to the event taking place. If a significant number of scheduled appointments are missed, the buyer will be fully and solely responsible for all flight and hotel accommodation charges. 4. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Wine Pleasures reserves the right to accommodate buyers at the host hotels for a maximum of 2 nights (or 4 in the case of attending the winery visit programme) and will sponsor meals throughout the event as listed in the event programme. Wine Pleasures requires a current credit card to guarantee the accommodation booking. Any miscellaneous charges (extra night(s), room service, telephone calls, business centre services, etc.) incurred during the Buyer's stay will be at their own expense. A minimum charge of one night accommodation will be applied to any Buyer who does not arrive on the given day 1, without 24 hours prior notice of delay or change to Wine Pleasures from the Buyer. 5. CONCLUDING PROVISION Wine Pleasures shall have full power to interpret and amend the above mentioned terms & conditions which in its discretion shall be in the best interest of the Workshop. The Buyer understands that the information contained in the Workshop material constitutes part of the registration contract, and agrees to conform to all terms & conditions. Should a Buyer fail to comply to Wine Pleasure's terms & conditions in conjunction with participation in a Wine Pleasures Workshop, the buyer will be denied any further participation in any Wine Pleasures hosted events. Any misconduct will also incur that the Buyer will be denied any further participation in any Wine Pleasures hosted events.

Meet your perfect match at the Wine Pleasures International B2B Workshop Avellino, Campania, Italy 17 -19 February 2025

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