Wine Pleasures International B2B Workshop Spain 2025

22 - 24 October 2025
Wine Pleasures International B2B Workshop 2025 The Perfect Blend to Connect Importers with Producers

Experience the Wine Pleasures International B2B Workshop Spain on 21-23 October 2025, and unlock exciting opportunities for boutique wine producers and international wine importers. This exclusive event brings together passionate producers and buyers with active sales channels who are eager to discover exceptional new wines.

How will it work exactly?

With our state-of-the-art online B2B diary platform, “My Wine Pleasures,” both producers and wine trade buyers from Asia, Australasia, Europe, and The Americas can schedule meetings in advance, ensuring valuable face-to-face connections at the event.


In-person attendees can schedule up to 20 meetings with wine importers at the event venue. Plus, there are plenty of opportunities for additional meetings, tastings, and networking during lunches, dinners, and free time slots.

Who will you meet at Wine Pleasures International B2B?

Discover a diverse range of boutique wine producers from all corners of Spain, as well as select producers from France, Italy, Portugal and Romania. Joining them are wine importers, independent merchants, and influential decision-makers from Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

New Venue

Altafulla Mar Hotel: This 4-star hotel is  conveniently located very close to the beach. It typically takes around 3 to 5 minutes to walk from the hotel to the beach, depending on your pace. It boasts a contemporary design, four restaurants, a gym, an outdoor pool, and even an rooftop infinity pool with panoramic views.

Altafulla is a small and charming town on the Costa Daurada coastline, about 10 km norheast of Tarragona. It offers a beautiful sandy beach, a picturesque old town, and a relaxed atmosphere which is ideal for the Wine Pleasures B2B Workshop.

Don’t miss out on this remarkable opportunity to connect, taste, and forge valuable partnerships at the Wine Pleasures B2B Workshop in Spain. Register now to secure your place among the industry’s finest.

Producer Programme

Wednesday 22 October: Arrival day and event set up.

  • Scheduled transfer from Barcelona Airport to the event venue (if required).
  • Registration and time to store wines and set up meeting table.
  • Free pour walk around wine tasting for buyers.
  • Available to address importer questions and accept new meeting requests.
  • Dinner where buyers and producers match wines at the even t venue.

Thursday 23 October: Full day of B2B meetings.

  • Breakfast followed by meeting table set up.
  • One-to-one meetings with buyers as per the schedule.
  • Lunch where buyers and producers match wines.
  • Free time to relax or schedule extra meetings.
  • More one-to-one meetings with buyers, with the option to work overtime.
  • Dinner where buyers and producers match wines at the Restaurant Singular.

Friday 24 October: Half day of B2B meetings

  • Breakfast followed by meeting table set up.
  • One-to-one meetings with buyers as per the schedule.
  • Lunch and end of in-person B2B Workshop.
  • Transfer to Barcelona Airport.

Some of the wineries that have received orders at previous editions

Colle Petrito (Italy), Celler de Capcanes (Spain), Pesolillo Tenuta Agricola (Italy), Famille Barsalou (France), Feravino (Croatia), Wine and Commerce (Austria), Champagne Pannier (France), Cantina Albea (Italy), Bodegas Puente de Rus (Spain), Bodega Otazu (Spain), Bodegas Forcada (Spain), Torre Zambra (Italy), Olabarri (Spain), Vignobles Romain (France), Bodegas Martínez Paiva (Spain), De Stefani (Italy), Mas Perinet (Spain), 7103 Petit Celler (Spain), Pago Heredad de Ureña (Spain), Famiglia De Cerchio (Italy), Usiglian del Vescovo (Italy), Capità Vidal (Spain), Scacciadiavoli (Italy), Logodaj Winery (Bulgaria), Parco del Moncai (Italy), Barbadoro (Italy), Viniciloa Pliniana (Italy) Angel’s Estate (Bulgaria), Torre Veguer (Spain), Varvaglione (Italy), Vallformosa (Spain), Domaine Bassac (France),  ………….and the long list continues

Producer Testimonials (samples)

Thank you for hosting the event in Barcelona last week. Thank you for having me there , i think we will get to do some businnes. Already sent samples , and already met again one of the buyers that attended Wine Pleasures. Quinta dos Avidagos. I might be considering taking part in the other even in Italy , please be so kind as to send me some information.

Champagne Pannier and I are very happy with our decision to take part in the event, though this had not been planned. Good organization, quality pool of buyers from different countries. Gracias!

Good event to find new importers, in a nice atmosphere very comfortable and well organised, Fortuna Wines

PeninSula Iberian Wines: “The Wine Pleasures event has offered me the possibility of meeting buyers from all over the world and generating new business opportunities. The organisation was flawless and the venue was ideal. Overall, I am satisfied with the event and I will consider to participate in future editions.” Isabel Cuevas

More testimonials available upon request.

Attendance Options

  1. Exclusive Workshop table: €1395 + VAT (includes access to an online diary system, meeting table, participation in the wine tasting, wine storage, lunch, glassware, and airport transfers).
  2. Shared Workshop table: €995 + VAT per producer (max 2 per table) (includes access to an online diary system, participation in the wine tasting, shared meeting table, shared accommodation, wine storage, lunch, glassware, and airport transfers).
  3. One-day attendance option: €995 + VAT (includes access to an online diary system, meeting table for Tuesday only, wine storage, lunch, and glassware).
  4. Half-day attendance option: €495 + VAT (includes access to an online diary system, meeting table for Wednesday only, wine storage, lunch, and glassware).
  5. Exclusive Workshop table with accommodation (Double bed, single use) 2 nights full board: €1695 + VAT.

Wine Pleasures B2B Workshop Spain 2025 - Registration

Please complete this form in ENGLISH

  • This is required for invoice purposes.
  • AppellationAppellationAppellation 
    Please specify which Appellation/s you produce wines under.
    Please tick one only
  • Please provide a brief description of your terroir. Include nº hectares with vines, soil, altitude and climate
  • If you have an exclusive distribution agreement in any of the countries you list please add in brackets (exclusive agreement) against each country.
  • In the case of large countries such as Canada, USA etc please specify states.
  • ImporterCountryVolume Nº palets 
  • Wine nameAppellationGrapes & %VintageColorCategory 
    To add up to 7 refs please press the add button. For category please specify if still, sparkling or fortified.
    * Companies registered in Spain must add 21% VAT to the registration fee. Payment becomes due no later than 5 days after receipt of the invoice. Please note that should you wish to show more than 7 refs at the event then you should book a second meeting table at a discounted rate. All registration fees include a meeting table with 4 chairs, water, serviettes, glassware, wine storage, fridge access, ice, 2 lunches within the event schedule. Online attendance allows for a max of 6 meetings. Fully inclusive registration includes 2 nights accommodation at the event venue with full board.
  • If you have ticked the share table option please indicate the name of the producer you will be sharing with
  • Credit card holderCredit card numberExpiry date 
    Please note we are not able to accept AMEX
    Denominación: Wine Pleasures B2B Workshop in Spain. Lugar, fechas y horario: El Workshop se celebrará en el Altafulla Mar Hotel del Miércoles 22 al viernes 24 de octubre 2025. Horario workshop: De 18.00 a 20.30 el día 22 de octubre, de 09.30 a 18.00 el día 23 de octubre y de 09.30 a 15.00 el día 24 de octubre. Organización: Wine Events Worldwide, C/Vino y Sol, 1, 08779 La Llacuna (Barcelona) Tel. 93 897 70 48, Participación Para participar en el Wine Pleasures B2B Workshop in Spain 2025 se deberá remitir a Wine Pleasures hoja de solicitud debidamente cumplimentado acompañado del documento de pago de los derechos de inscripción de la bodega. Esta solicitud, firmada y sellada, implica la aceptar las condiciones de participación. Tarifas 1. Derechos de inscripción 1ª persona La cuota de inscripción es de €1350 EARLY BIRD para la primera persona y incluye inserción el Workshop handbook, una mesa de reunión y 4 sillas, rótulo identificador, transporte desde el aeropuerto de Barcelona según horario establecido y almuerzos de trabajo según programa. 2. Derechos de inscripción 2ª persona (mesa de trabajo adicional) La cuota de inscripción es de €995 (+ 21% IVA). 3. Derechos de inscripción 2ª persona (sin mesa de trabajo adicional)La cuota de inscripción es de €195 (+ 21% IVA) Forma de pago Los pagos por la participación en el Workshop serán en las fechas y cantidades que seguidamente detallan: Minimum el 50% en el momento de la inscripción. Los abonos se realizarán mediante: · Transferencia bancaria a favor de Wine Events Worldwide - Tarjeta de crédito 50% (resto) antes del 30 de septiembre 2025. Las bodegas que, por cualquier causa renuncien a participar en el Workshop, deberán comunicarlo por escrito dicha renuncia a Wine Pleasures, con la consecuente pérdida de las cantidades abonadas hasta la fecha. Publicidad en Workshop Los productos de exposición así como los impresos y material publicitario sólo se podrán presentar en la mesa de trabajo y en el espacio adjudicado para la cata de los vinos. Su repartición en los demás zonas del hotel está prohibido. Listados de los compradores inscritos en el Workshop Los listados y los perfiles de los compradores recibidos antes de la celebración del workshop son para el uso exclusivo de la bodega antes, durante y después del workshop. La bodega en ningún caso puede ceder esta información a terceros. Disposiciones adicionales Causas de fuerza mayor Wine Events Worldwide se reserva el derecho de poder reducir o ampliar la duración del Workshop, así como aplazar su celebración, siempre que circunstancias especiales así lo aconsejan o causas de fuerza mayor lo exijan. Tales circunstancias no serán motivo suficiente para los participantes rescindan su contrato ni para exigir cualquier tipo de compensación, en concepto de daños y perjuicios. Pliego Contractual Todos los participantes por el simple hecho de firmar la hoja de participación en el Workshop, aceptan las presentes Normas de Participación. Las presentes normas se constituyen en pliego de condiciones de contratación. Competencia Para todas las obligaciones recíprocas, el lugar de ejecución y Tribunal competente, es el Tribunal de Justicia de Barcelona. Protección de datos En cumplimiento del Art. 5 de la L.O. de protección de Datos de Carácter Personal 15/1999, se le comunica que sus datos personales serán introducidos en un fichero con la finalidad de prestarle el servicio, realizar un seguimiento y enviarle información sobre nuestros productos/servicios. Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición.

Buyer Programme

Wednesday 22 October – Arrival day & free pour walk around tasting

09.00 – 17.00 Scheduled transfer from Barcelona Airport to the event venue
18.00 – 19.00 Registration, welcome and programme presentation
19.00 – 20.15 Free pour walk around tasting of around 70 wines without the producers at their tables
20.30 – 22.00 Buyers and producers match wines over dinner at the event venue

Thursday 23 October – Full day of B2B meetings

08.00 – 09.30 Breakfast
10.00 – 13.00 One to one meetings with producers as per meeting schedule set prior to the event
13.30 – 15.00 Buyers and producers match wines over lunch
15.00 – 16.00 Free time to relax
16.00 – 19.00 One to one meetings with producers as per meeting schedule. Opportunity to work overtime up to dinner!
20.30 – 22.00 Buyers and producers match wines over dinner at the event venue

Friday 24 October Half day of meetings and departure

07.30 – 09.00 Breakfast
09.30 – 13.30 One to one meetings with wineries
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch & end of in person B2B Workshop
14.30 Transfer to Barcelona Airport. Journey time 30-40 mins
15.30 Winery visit programme begins for those buyers who registered for this post event activity

Satrudday 25 October –  Full day winery visit programme for those buyers who chose this option. Buyers get to discover fboutique producers working  in a variety of well differenciated terroirs and designations of origen such as Alella, Costers del Segre, Conca de Barberà, Montsant, Penedès, Priorat, Tarragona and Terra Alta.

Sunday 26 October – Transfer to Barcelona Airport for buyers attending the post event winery visit programme.


The only *cost to you is the Registration fee of €125 which is payable if and when your application is approved. This amount is refundable if you make a purchase order within 6 months of event completion with one or more producer met at the event.

The registration fee for those importers wishing to stay on two extra days (and nights) for the post event winery visit programme  is €595

What’s in the deal?

  • Personalized diary packed with pre-scheduled appointments with suppliers of your choice.
  • Transfers on day 1 of the from Barcelona Airport to the event venue leaving between 09.00 and 17.00
  • 2 nights accommodation (4 nights if attending the winery visit prog) at the Altafulla Mar Hotel **** with breakfast
  • Lunch 23 & 24 October and dinner 22 & 23 October in the venue hotel
  • Travel subsidy to and from Barcelona Airport as follows: Direct from: Asia & Australasia up to €650, The Americas up to €550, Caucasia, India, Middle East up to €350 & Europe up to €250
  • Transfer Barcelona Airport 24 October at 14.30
  • Exclusive personalised tour to visit producers after the event to discover unique terroirs and wines (Optional)
  • Get a €125 registration fee refund! Applicable if: You placed an order for at least 2 pallets, you placed the order within 6 months of the event ending and you are not currently working or have worked with the producer.

Buyer Testimonials

“…..On the business side, I remain convinced after 40+ years in this industry that B2B’S like this are a much more productive way to truly get to know producers, their stories, and their wines.  No bothersome distractions of too much noise, loud announcements, lack of seating or tasting space, producers looking past you at all of the other potential buyers who might be wandering by their stand.  It is respectful and focused face-to-face time, even if every meeting is not a perfect fit it is a great way to learn about the producers’ craft and make new industry friends who might come into play at a later date” daqopa brands – elevens imports, USA.

“This kind of “fair” is more focused, less stands and more personally. The prebooked meetings of 45 minutes gives a good structure and the possibility to choose them myself and even opportunity to do spontaneous meetings. The 2-3 day “tasting” gives opportunity to come back to the persons you want to continue discussions with. A very good overview of the Spanish wine regions, interesting to compare same grape from different regions” Arvid Nordquist, Sweden

“Workshops for our medium size structure are the ideal buying conditions for us” Overland Trade, France

“I prefer the workshop method because it’s more informative and personal (e.g. the wine seminar at the first evening, especially for people who don’t have experiences with Spanish wines. The workshop method very good, one felt nearly in a “familiar” atmosphere, one had the chance to speak with a lot of people during the meals in a very relaxed atmosphere” CS-ENO, Germany

“I think you have time for tasting and speaking with the Bodegas; it´s more personally. It is better than a normal trade fair!” Bodega Andaluza, Germany

“I never experienced such a personal and efficient possibility to get to know that many wineries in such a short period of time”. Fine Spirits, Switzerland

“I have been most pleased to be part of this event. It has reached my expectations and now it is time to follow up to grab the orders”. Global Trade Search, USA

“The highlight for me was that there were local rather small wineries that normally couldn’t afford a big fair like VinExpo”. Cissus Holgros, Denmark

“Just to let you know that on a business point of view, your event was very to PVI.I have found new suppliers and discovered interesting wines and wineries.This should bring for us and for some wineries some good business within the next month” Planete Vins International, France

“Nice event from where you can get exactly information you would need and meet the people you exactly looking for. Professional and nice atmosphere and good place to meet connosieurs from different countries”. AS Valior, Estonia

“Der katalonische Workshop war gelungen! Neben der excellenten Organisation und dem angehmen Ambiente waren die teilnehmenden Bodegas meist “echte” Entdeckungen. Ich hoffe nur, dass in Zukunnft meine Landsleute das Angebot von Wine Pleasures mehr nutzen werden”. Herzlichen Dank! Manfred Wine Pool, Germany

“I very much liked the limited number of producers at the wine pleasures workshop. I would like to have a choice of potentially meeting with five or six producers from each of the wine appelations and regions from around Spain. The Alimentary in Barcelona, VinExpo Bordeaux, VinItaly are too big and too overwhelming.” Borvin Beverage, USA

Wine Pleasures B2B Spain 2025 Buyer Application Form

Please complete the form as fully as possible.

  • This field is hidden when viewing the form
  • If you are a registered EU company please put your EU number here as we need this for invoicing purposes. If your company is not based in the EU then please put N/A in the field.
  • 1st person
  • For internal use only
  • 2nd person. Please specify if 2nd person same company or travel companion
  • For internal use only. Please provide a cell phone number connected with W/App
  • If you don't need one for your country just put NOT NEEDED.
  • Please specify approx amount in Euros
  • Please specify number of palets
    Please tick all that apply
    Please tick all that apply
  • WineryCountry 
    Click on the add button to add new rows
  • This field is hidden when viewing the form
    Please tick all that apply
    If you are NOT paying by credit card please wait for written confirmation of your place(s) which will be emailed to you. In the case of registering a second person please note that you will need to share the same room. For an additional single room please see terms and conditions. *Registration fee refundable if you make a purchase up to 6 months after the event (min 2 pallets)
  • Credit card holderCredit card NºExpiry date 
    Please note we will only debit your credit card with the registration fee if we are able to offer you a place.

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