I am quite pleased to say that I survived the 30 km excursion winding through the hills (sierra) of the Penedes wine region. We started out on a 3 km trek up the hill where, Wine Pleasures base is located. Road winding this way and that, magnificent, panoramic views jump out from around the next bend as we ascend to the top. Just as we get there, Nic’s bike gives out, and our
excursion stalls until Anthony can zoom down and retrieve another bike. Seemingly moments later, up pulls the support vehicle and we pull the bikes out and Nic familiarizes himself with his new ride.
We are off again, this time a pleasantly winding cruise down the other side of the hill leads us to our first scheduled stop, a natural spring (Els Canals). The clear, fresh water pours from a rock just at the perfect height for filling our water bottles. Once refreshed and bottles no longer empty, down the little gravel road we shoot, skidding a bit here and there only adds to the excitement.
Our next stop after about a 20 min. ride is an ancient oak tree over 1000 years old. Its massive trunk juts up to about 2m where several thick, gnarled limbs curl their way toward the sky. Nic, all the while snapping photos, climbs the trunk to a perfect spot to sit and have your picture taken in this arborous wonder.
Continuing along, not far from our oak stop, Anthony pulls his bike off the road and stops. Seemingly there is something wrong, there doesn’t seem to be anything in sight. He motions for us to follow, and nearly falling into our next sight I realize what we are stopped for! A pot hole some 30m deep opens at our feet. Only about half a meter wide and a meter and a half long, very little light is shed into the potentially massive cavern below. There is just enough light to see some impressive stalagtite formations near the rim. Without any climbing gear we are unable to explore any deeper than we can see; but all is well, It is rumoured that past inhabitants of the area used it for disposing of dead livestock, and who knows what else!
Before reaching the pinnacle of our bike tour, one more stop is made. This time at a vacation house of Belgian Royalty used 200+ years ago. Nearly intact, the structure is beautifully constructed from locally found stones. A well house is also on the site. Nearly 3m across, I am impressed with the size and depth, and peering down the well there are still thousands of litres of water contained within.
After a short ride we reach the monastery ruins that we set out to see. One partial exterior wall is all that remains. All around though, we see the outlining foundation where the walls once stood. Walking from room to room I can almost picture how the ancient inhabitants lived. Several fairly small rooms (maybe 4m x 3m), probably living quarters shared by two or more monks at a time, connect to a larger, likely communal room. Erected in 1155, these monks only lived here until until 1168 when lack of water forced them to move on to nearby Santa Creus.
Water bottles empty, the same has forced us to do as well. Only drops of the crystal clear spring water remain from our first stop. Anthony tells us of another spring nearby, and we’re off. Once again an exhilerating downhill leads us to this much needed refreshment. Like the one previous, the water rushes from a hole, seemingly pierced into the face of a rock. Strangely enough, the cool water has a distinctly different taste. More like a difference in texture explainable only to the palate. Drinking our fill, we top off our bottles and head into La Llacuna for lunch, fine wine, and La Fiesta Mayor…
To be Continued…
Alec Cruickshank – cardman9to5@yahoo.com
Photos Nic Myers
Here’s a video we took during this fantastic wine country bike tour organised by Wine Pleasures: