50 Great Sustainable Wines of the World


The 50 Great Sustaianable Wines of the World competition is open to wineries globally that produce wines following sustainable practices and aims to reward wineries that prioritize sustainability, inspire others to adopt similar practices, and ultimately contribute to a more environmentally and socially responsible wine industry.

Wineries intending to participate in this unique competition must provide evidence of their sustainability initiatives, such as certifications (e.g., organic, biodynamic, sustainable) or detailed sustainability reports.

Judging Criteria:

Environmental Stewardship: Evaluates the winery’s commitment to environmental sustainability, including practices such as organic farming, biodiversity preservation, water and energy conservation, waste management, and carbon footprint reduction.

Social Responsibility: Considers the winery’s efforts to promote fair labor practices, support local communities, and contribute to social well-being through initiatives like worker welfare, community engagement, and cultural preservation.

Quality and Innovation: Assesses the overall quality of the wines produced, including taste, aroma, complexity, and aging potential. Extra recognition is given to wineries that demonstrate innovative approaches to sustainable winemaking.

Application and Documentation:

Wineries submit an application form detailing their sustainable practices, including certifications, sustainability reports, and any additional relevant information. Supporting documents such as photographs, videos, and testimonials can be provided to showcase the winery’s sustainability efforts.

Judging Panel:

Comprises a diverse group of experts, including winemakers, sustainability specialists, wine critics, and industry professionals. The panel evaluates the applications, conducts blind tastings of the wines, and considers the wineries’ sustainability documentation.

Awards and Recognition:

Winners receive certificates and recognition through media coverage, industry publications, and participation in sustainability-focused events.


Registration is just €95 per wine (+21% if applicable). We are pleased to announce a special discount for participants submitting multiple entries. Submit more than 3 entries and enjoy a 5% discount on the total entry fee. And if you submit more than 5 entries, you’ll receive an even greater discount of 10% off the total entry fee. Deadline to receive entries is 31 December 2023 with samples arriving not later than 15 January 2024.

Competition Results

Save the date: On February 1, 2024, we will announce the competition results and awards, which will represent the prestigious honors for 2024. Wineries will have a full year to promote their exceptional wines and leverage the recognition gained from this esteemed event.

Please provide a direct email to the person in charge of Marketing or in charge of mamaging this registration as all correspondence will be sent to this email address. This includes shipping instructions, invoice, competition awards and scores etc.

If we have any questions re your entry we may need to contact you so please provide a cell phone number with country code and with W/App if possible

Pleasae specify % of each grape variety

Please provide detailed information about your winery’s sustainable practices. You may attach additional documents below or provide website links as necessary.

Please attach any supporting documentation that showcases your winery’s sustainability efforts, such as certifications, sustainability reports or testimonials.

(max file size 64 MB)

Need more information?

Talk to our team to find out more about why 50 Great Sustainable Wines of the World competition is important for you and your winery:

T. + 34 93 897 70 48
W/App + 34 687 34 57 44
E. info@winepleasures.com

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