The 2017 Wine Pleasures Buying Tour programme (part of the Wine Pleasures B2B Workshop Buyer meets Cellar in Spain annual event) for Wine Importers in Spain was a great success. A whole year of planning resulted in a truly memorable buying tour for all involved.
20 wine importers from diverse markets such as Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Panama, Slovakia, Sweden, UK and the USA, extended their stay to participate in the Wine Pleasures Buying Tour programme with visits to Clos Montblanc (Conca de Barberà), Agustí Torelló (Cava), Mas Blanch i Jové (Costers del Segre), Carles Andreu (Conca de Barberà & Cava) and Can Feixes (Penedès). Emphasis was placed on boutique wines produced in unique terroirs made with indigenous grape varieties such as Macabeo, Malavasia de Sitges, Sumoll, Trepat, Parellada and Xarel.lo. Two of the Cava producers visited have Cavas amongst the 50 Great Cavas 2017
Catalunya was also enjoyed through its cuisine. Here are some of the highlights of the two day intensive programme of visits:
- Carles Andreu
- Clos Monblanc
- Can Feixes
- Agustí Torello
- Can Feixes
- Mas Blanch i Jové
- Agustí Torello
- Agustí Torello
- Carles Andreu
- Agustí Torello
- Can Feixes
- Clos Monblanc
- Can Feixes
- Mas Blanch i Jové
- Clos Monblanc
- Can Feixes
- Mas Blanch i Jové
Next up will be the International Wine Tourism Conference in Sicily:
Next Wine Pleasures B2B Workshop will be in Italy later this year: