For more than 10 years Wine Pleasures has been organising an annual competition for sparkling wines of the world and the awards and results of each year’s competition are valued highly by the trade and the consumer when it comes to making purchase decisions.
The judging process assesses every wine ‘blind’ but judges are aware of style, region, vintage and % grape varieties. The judging team of 5 has a blend of sommeliers, wine makers, wine importers and retailers working in harmony to find the best white wines according to sugar % and barrel ageing thereby ensuring similar wines are judged together.
The title of the competition does what it says – to find 50 Great White Wines of the World so for that reason bronze medals are not awarded and wines scoring less than 90 points are not listed. Medals are awarded as follows:
Gold Medal (95 – 100 points)
Silver Medal (90 – 94 points)