The official conference progamme is now available:
To register for the 2011 Wine Tourism Conference please complete the Delegate Registration Form Online sales end 25th Jan and on the door ticket prices will cost are considearably more and subject to availability.
Sunday 30th January: 18.00 – 23.00 Evening Social Programme See the highlights of Porto. The tour goes through all parts of the city and points out the most famous and interesting buildings and allows you to wander down the cobbled streets of Ribeira. Across the river we go for a visit of the Taylor’s Port Lodge followed by a well earned glass of white Port wine, the Taylor’s Chip Dry, together with some salted almonds and salgadinhos, a typical portuguese aperitive. Top off with dinner at Taylor’s.
Day 1 Monday 31st January
09.30 – 10.10 Opening Plenary Session by HRM Dom Duarte de Bragança Portugal as a Wine and Culinary Destination
10.15 – 10.55 & Manuel de Novaes Cabral (Great Wine Capitals Global Network, Porto City Council) The dynamics between urban and rural wine territories: a competitive advantage
11.oo – 11.25 Coffee break sponsored by
11.30 – 12.25 Session 1.1 (3 talks to choose from)
Wine & Tourism on Smartphones Nicolas Demont & Emmanuel Rinn (Nomad Systems, Switzerland)
Is Champagne Loosing its ‘Luxury Allure’? Melba Allen-Buillard (Professor of Wine Science and Business and Wine Tourism at CMH / ISTI in Paris- France)
Discovering New Ways of Enjoying Port Wine Ana Ferro (Três Séculos, Portugal)
New: Social Media Clinic for Wineries Our social media doctors will, in the context of a private one to one session:
- Assess your brand’s current social media efforts and engagements
- Recommend courses of action to improve your social media health
- Identify the optimum social media landscape for your winery & prescribe strategies for engagement
- Assist you in setting goals and objectives to achieve an optimum level of social media fitness for your wine brand.
By appointment only. Please register before 15 January 2011. Only 20 places!
12.30 – 13.25 Session 1.2 (3 talks to choose from)
The Yeatman Hotel – a Case Study Adrian Bridge (The Fladgate Partnership, Portugal)
Travel Fusion: Wine and Food Tourism Working Together Chef Holli Ugalde & James Love (Chef Holli Enterprises Inc, USA)
Wine in Portuguese Culture & History Vasco d’Avillez (Companhia das Quintas, Portugal)
Social Media Clinic for Wineries
13.30 – 14.40 Lunch with Hell’s Kitchen” Season 7 winner Chef Holli Ugalde & Chef Álvaro Costa of the Palacio do Freixo. Wines from Napa Valley
14.45 – 15.40 Session 1.3 (3 talks to choose from)
Building an Authentic Personal Brand Online Donna Jackson (Wine Social Club, Italy)
Making History: Creating Today Tomorrow’s Wine Historical Facts Antonio Graça (Sogrape Vinhos, Portugal)
Wine Tourism Texas Style Paul & Merrill Bonarrigo (Messina Hof Winery and Resort, USA)
Social Media Clinic for Wineries
15.45 – 16.40 Session 1.4 (3 talks to choose from)
Beyond the Brochure- Blogging with Personality & Content That Connects Marcy Gordon (Come for the Wine, USA)
Controlled Interaction Signe Meirane & Irina Sjomockina (Cetrassezonas, Latvia)
Combining Wine Tourism With Spa Wellness Jochen Erler (Circle of Wine Writers, Germany)
Social Media Clinic for Wineries
16.45 – 17.40 Plenary Session by: Charles Metcalfe (Inn House Publishing, UK) Wine Tourism – A Solution to Europe’s Wine Lake?
18.00 – 19.30 After Conference Programme: The Surprsing Wines of Portugal Tasting led by Charles Metcalfe
20.00 – 23.00 Evening Social Programme Food and Wine Matching with top Portuguese Chefs Rui Paula (DOP Restaurant) and Pedro Nunes (Quarenta e 4 Restaurant)
Day 2 Tuesday 1 February
09.30 – 10.25 Plenary Session by Paulo Alexandre Caldas (President of the Cámara de Cartaxo & AMPV & Portuguese Wine Cities Association – AMPV) & José Arruda (Sec General of AMPV) The Territory’s Commitment to Wine Tourism
10.30 – 10.55 Coffee Break
11.00 – 11.55 Session 2.1 (3 talks to choose from)
Cracking the American Market: The Battle for the Minds and Loyalty of the U.S. Consumer Jayme Simoes (Louis Karno & Company Communications, USA)
Offering Tourism in the Douro from a smaller vineyard’s perspective – Quinta de la Rosa a case study Sophia Bergqvist (Quinta de la Rosa)
Pensylvania’s Wine Industry. Growing in Production and Reputation, Sara Indira Belaief (Movimento de Turismo, Italy)
Social Media Clinic for Wineries
12.00 – 12.55 Session 2.2 (3 talks to choose from)
Discover Turkey. Where East meets West Taner Ogutoglu (Wines of Turkey)
Historic Product with New Technologies Oscar Quevedo (Quevedo, Douro)
The Wine Tourism in France and its points of improvement Desfrennes Ludivine
Social Media Clinic for Wineries
13.00 – 14.25 Turkish Lunch served with Wines of Turkey in the Palacio Freixo with Turkish Chef Musa Dagdeviren
14.30 – 15.25 Session 2.3
Wine & New Media – A Bloggers Perspective Thea Dwelle (Luscious Lushes – A Wine Blog, USA)
Estratégias de Marketing para o Enoturismo Portugués António José da Silva Pina (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias)
Argentina: Vineyards North to South Mariana Gil Juncal (Baco Club, Private Wine Club, Argentina)
Social Media Clinic for Wineries
15.30 – 16.25 Plenary Session by Roie Edery, Aleksey Klempner & Charity Winters (Celebrity Wine Review TV, Hollywood) Leveraging Social Media to Engage Online Audiences and Share Our Passion for Wine
17.00 – 18.30 After Conference Programme (2 activities to choose from)
The Perfection of Port Wine from Sogevinus and the Excellence of Chocolate in a Tune of Aromas …(30 places only)
The Great Spanish Wine Quiz with Hollywood hosts Charity Winters and Desirée Anderson. Sponsored by Ferré i Catasús Vins i Caves
18.30 – 23.00 Evening Social Programme: River Douro Cruise from Palacio do Freixo to Vila Nova de Gaia followed by a cocktail and food & wine matching dinner at The Yeatman Hotel.
Day 3 Wednesday 2 February
09.30 – 10.25 Plenary Session by Lara Dunston & Terence Carter (Grantourismo) Reflections from a Grand Tour: local travel, sustainable travel, experiential travel and wine tourism
Social Media Clinic for Wineries
10.30 – 10.55 Coffee Break
11.00 – 11.55 Session 3.1 (3 talks to choose from)
GENERATIONS X AND Y: Understanding perceptions of wine and cellar door experiences as a means to motivate Carla Silva (Great Wine Capitals Research Grant Winner) & António Azevedo ( Minho University Marketing Professor)
Social Wine Marketing – A New Business Model for Wine Brands Diana Carriço (Liderplas, Portugal)
Social Media Clinic for Wineries
12.00 – 12.55 Session 3.2 (3 talks to choose from)
Quinta do Seixo – the commitment by Sogrape Vinhos to create value for a Douro destination with Sandeman George Sandeman (Sogrape Vinhos, Portugal)
Gag the Wine Guide and Wine Maker. Let the Wine Tourists do the Talking! Anthony Swift Wine Pleasures, Spain
Imagery, the Internet and Wine – a Picture Says 1000 Words Jason C Mancebo (Chow Studios, USA)
Social Media Clinic for Wineries
13.00 – 14.25 Lunch
14.30 – 15.25 Session 3.3 (3 talks to choose from)
The New Douro – New wine Tourism, David S. Eley (A Good Nose)
Winery Architecture for Better Production, Image, Branding Wine Tourism & Wine Sales Carles Sala & Relja Ferusic (Sala Ferusic Architects, Spain)
1.5 Billion Wine Drinkers Aneesh Bhasin (Travel Pixels, Tourism Consultancy, India)
Social Media Clinic for Wineries
15.30 – 16.25 Session 3.4 (3 talks to choose from)
The Wines of Chile Experience: Discover, Decant, Enjoy Gail Thornton (Wines of Chile)
Solares de Portugal. A Personalized Philosphy of Wine Travel Conde Francisco de Calheiros, (President Solares de Portugal)
Wine Resort in Alentejo – Case Study Luis Carmo Costa (Neoturis – Lisboa) & José Cunhal Sendim (L-and & Vineyards)
16.30 – 17.10 Plenary Session by Susanna Tocca (DOC-DMC & AIMS) Portugal an Undiscovered Grape Escape Destination
17.15 – 17.55 Closing Plenary Session by Daniela Mastroberardino (Movimento Turismo del Vino, Campania, Italy) Wine Tourism Movement in Italy: current experience and future prospects
18.00 Announcement of the venue for the 2012 International Wine Tourism Conference and Workshop
18.15 Conference Closes and Wine Tourism Workshop begins.
18.00 – 19.30 After Conference Programme
Where there’s Wine there’s Olive Oil Tras Os Montes olive oil tasting
Tutored Port Wine Tasting hosted by the Port and Douro Wines Institute (IVDP)
Click on the following link to view the detailed preview conference programme:
Like it ? To register for the 2011 Wine Tourism Conference please complete the Delegate Registration Form Places are filling so hurry!