by winepleasures | Aug 25, 2010 | Wine Workshops, Wine Tours
Some 95% of Spain’s answer to Champagne is produced in Catalunya under the Appellation of Cava. The industry is dominated by the two mass producers Freixenet and Codorniu whose acrimonious rivalry has at times acted as a brake on Cava’s progress rather than a spur to...
by winepleasures | Aug 10, 2010 | Wine Workshops
El primero Workshop en colaboración con Catavins Sabadell, que se celebrará en la Fira de Sabadell entre los días 10 y 12 de noviembre, cuenta, hasta el momento, con la asistencia confirmada de 28 empresas importadoras internacionales, según el primer listado que ha...
by winepleasures | Jul 30, 2010 | Wine Workshops, Wine Tours, Wine Conference
The International Wine Tourism Conference to be held in Porto, Portugal Janury 31-February 6 announces the launch of the What´s Wine Tourism to You Contest! Participants have the chance to win 2 free tickets to the 3 day International Wine Tourism Conference and...
by winepleasures | Jul 14, 2010 | Wine Workshops, Wine Tours, Wine Conference
A edição 2011 da Conferência e Workshop Anual sobre o Turismo Internacional do Vinho, vai decorrer de 30 de Janeiro a 6 de Fevereiro de 2011, na Pousada do Porto – Palácio do Freixo. O Porto é uma das capitais mundiais do vinho de qualidade e o Douro é coberto...
by winepleasures | Jul 12, 2010 | Wine Workshops, Wine Tours, Wine Conference
The 21st century has arrived at Huguet De Can Feixes, a remarkable winery where respect for the natural environment and a dedicated passion for winemaking blend to produce some of Spain’s most extraordinary wines. The history of Can Feixes dates back to the 1400s,...
by winepleasures | May 17, 2010 | Wine Workshops
Internet users in China (that’s some 338 million users and the majority living in Beijing, Shanghai and Gangdong) are, in the most unable to access social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Blogger, Hotmail, WordPress and so on. For savvy wineries...