Celebrity Adventures in Wine – Speaker Notes

Since holding the 2nd Annual International Wine Tourism Conference and Workshop 2010 in Spain, we have been receiving hundreds of mails, tweets and phone calls from both conference attendees and non attendees requesting the Speaker notes for the more than 40 talks...

Live Tasting From Languedoc-Roussillon

Wine Pleasures Live Tasting From Languedoc-Roussillon This week we have been on tour in the Languedoc- Roussillon, with a Norwegian Wine Club visiting several wineries. Today we arel finishing the tour at Domaine O’Vineyards which is located in the hilariously...

Say Cheese!

Wine Pleasures en su sede en la Calle Vino y Sol (La LLacuna) imparten cursos prácticos relacionados con la gastronomía y el vino. Entre ellos destaca el curso de Maridaje de Quesos, Embutidos, Pans y Vinos. Todos los quesos utilizados en el Curso están elaborados por...

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