by winepleasures | May 12, 2010 | Wine Tours, Wine Conference
Continuamos con la publicación de los contenidos de las ponencias durante la 2ª edición anual del Congreso Internacional de Enoturismo 2010. Hoy nos es grato publicar la presentación impartida por Jaume Martí Pedrola (Enologo y Secretario Consell DO Terra Alta) que se...
by winepleasures | May 11, 2010 | Wine Tours
This Friday Wine Pleasures in collaboration with SpanishinSitges will be leading a Cava Wine tasting for learners of Spanish as a Foreign Language. Employing the learning methodology “Teaching Through the Target Language” students get to kill two birds...
by winepleasures | May 10, 2010 | Wine Tours, Wine Conference
Continuamos con la publicación de los contenidos de las ponencias durante la 2ª edición anual del Congreso Internacional de Enoturismo 2010. Hoy nos es grato publicar la presentación impartida por Jordi Torras (Director Curso ” Gestión y Gestión del Turismo del...
by winepleasures | May 7, 2010 | Wine Tours, Wine Conference
Continuamos con la publicación de los contenidos de las ponencias durante la 2ª edición anual del Congreso Internacional de Enoturismo 2010. Hoy nos es grato publicar la presentación impartida por Montserrat Peñarroya Farell (GEA Internet Project Consulting)que según...
by winepleasures | May 6, 2010 | Wine Tours, Wine Conference
Continuing with the publication of the 2nd Annual International Wine Tourism Conference Speaker Notes, we are pleased to publish the talk given by Susanna Tocca of DOC-DMC which participants found enlightening and usefil. The talk as per conference programme was...
by winepleasures | May 2, 2010 | Wine Tours, Wine Conference
Continuing with the publication of the 2nd Annual International Wine Tourism Conference Speaker Notes, we are pleased to publish the talk given by Ignasi Segui Matas of Parenthesis which participants found enlightening and usefil. The talk as per conference...