After solely focusing their publishing efforts into demystifying the sparkling Spanish delicacy, cava, by creating the annually released 50 Great Cavas eBook, the innovative minds of Wine Pleasures have once again become inspired to spread the good wine word. Wine...
So densely packed with all manner of deciduous and evergreen trees is the 10,000 square metres plot which is home to the Wine Pleasures Business, that it’s not really possible to see the boundaries! Roughly constructed walkways allow ambling access to cultivated...
The Bocchino winery is located in the Astigliano (Asti), Piedmont – well known for the Sparkling Wine Moscato d’Asti. In Canelli, brother and sister Daniele and Annalisa are leading a successful wine business which boasts 10 hectares. Annalisa chatted to us...
Since its groundbreaking online conception in 2011, the annual publication of 50 Great Cavas has become a much-anticipated event in the wine world. Prior to this innovative eBook, information and recognition of the sparking Spanish specialty, cava, was extraordinarily...
Tuscany has a long tradition of winemaking and it is indeed one of the most preferred destinations for wine connoisseurs and gourmet experts. However, to be such an important hub for the production of wine, Tuscany boasts a dense network of associations and regulatory...
Journeying through the countryside in the car we watched the mountains pass by. Eventually, in a little village, around the corner from a church and down a little street we found the location for the winery. But all we saw was what appeared to be a street of houses....