by winepleasures | Jan 22, 2010 | Wine Tours, Wine Conference
With some 5,500 wineries in the whole of Spain how many do you think there are geared up to actively encouraging wine enthusiasts to go and visit them? 500?, 100? Count them on two hands? What is for sure is that there are more than there were 3 years agao when Wine...
by winepleasures | Jan 21, 2010 | Wine Tours, Wine Conference
“El desarrollo del turismo enológico en España es irreversible. Aunque muy pocas bodegas realmente están practicando el enoturismo conscientemente, cada vez son más las bodegas que apuestan por el enoturismo como un negocio complementario que a la vez refuerza...
by winepleasures | Jan 20, 2010 | Wine Conference
David Delgado Vendrell (Estudio Aquitectura) aportará al Programa del Wine Pleasures Congreso Internacional de Enoturismo una ponencia muy interesante para cualquier bodega de cualquier país a la hora de plantearse explotar más y mejor el gancho turístico de sus...
by winepleasures | Jan 20, 2010 | Wine Conference
Jordi Torras (Director curso “Dirección y Gestión del Turismo del Vino” (Universidad de Girona) por año consecutivo hará una ponencia en el Wine Pleasures Congreso y Workshop Internacional de Enoturismo. “¿Dos mundos que se cruzan o se unen para...
by winepleasures | Jan 19, 2010 | Wine Tours, Wine Conference
Celebrity Wine Review is an online wine review show centered around the premise that wine does not have to be pretentious or uninviting. Host, Kelli McCarty (Former miss USA and known actress), reviews wines in a variety of formats all centered at entertaining and...
by winepleasures | Jan 18, 2010 | Wine Conference, Wine Tours
What’s great about the Wine Pleasures Wine Tourism Conference is that it is not about listening to a bunch of dreary beaurocrats talking about wine tourism theories but rather it’s about listening to interesting humble people who talk about their...