by winepleasures | Jul 14, 2010 | Wine Workshops, Wine Tours, Wine Conference
A edição 2011 da Conferência e Workshop Anual sobre o Turismo Internacional do Vinho, vai decorrer de 30 de Janeiro a 6 de Fevereiro de 2011, na Pousada do Porto – Palácio do Freixo. O Porto é uma das capitais mundiais do vinho de qualidade e o Douro é coberto...
by winepleasures | Jul 12, 2010 | Wine Workshops, Wine Tours, Wine Conference
The 21st century has arrived at Huguet De Can Feixes, a remarkable winery where respect for the natural environment and a dedicated passion for winemaking blend to produce some of Spain’s most extraordinary wines. The history of Can Feixes dates back to the 1400s,...
by winepleasures | Jul 9, 2010 | Wine Tours, Wine Conference
Forget cheese and crackers. Enojazz wants to know which jazz song pairs best with wine. At Enojazz, the prequel to the annual VIJAZZ Festival, musicologist Joan Cuscó and wine expert Núria Bigorra narrated a night of tasting and listening pleasure for 60 guests at...
by winepleasures | Jul 8, 2010 | Wine Tours, Wine Conference
In the few weeks I’ve been in Northern Spain, I’ve noticed that most wineries are family owned. At first I thought this was a novel concept. Being from the United States, many wineries are owned by larger companies; it’s rare to find Mom and Dad stomping on grapes at...
by winepleasures | Jul 6, 2010 | Wine Tours, Wine Conference
Sunlight pours through the tall windows that bound the lobby of Mas Passamaner, where I’m sitting on one of the room’s oversized plush couches surrounded by sleek wicker accents. The manager offers café con leche as he explains that the five-star hotel served as a...
by winepleasures | Jul 4, 2010 | Wine Conference, Wine Tours
Grape Escape Languedoc – Rousillon. Travelling across the Catalan border into Southern France, we encounter Rousillon. One of the most unique wines of this region is Maury, a type of sweet vins doux naturels that reflects the winemaking tradition that sets...