Marketing of cultural tourism, including enotourism

January 06, 2009
By winepleasures


ramon-alvarezSpeaker: Ramón Alverez – GSAR Marketing

Positioning of cultural tourism in todays travel market place. Positioning wine tourism within cultural travel. Who and where are the users of wine tourism. How do you seek them and how do you obtain them?

A power point presentation –25 minutes–followed by aaudiance participation. Cultural tourism, from city breaks to view a sun eclipsis it includes cooking classes, religious perigrinages… Wine tourism is tops Among these dozens of cultural tourism activities in interest, numbers, growth and profits. The profile of the wine tour traveler. Where they mostly come from?: The Americas and now Europe, but where in Europe? The future markets: Japan, China and India. The role of tour operators and travel agents as intermedaries. The role of the DMCs. The role of the Tourism offices. The CVBs and business travel tied up to wine tourism. How do you reach the clients. The travel professional?

If you’d like to contact Ramón please do so by joing the Wine Pleasures Wine Tourism Social Network.

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