Since its groundbreaking online conception in 2011, the annual publication of 50 Great Cavas has become a much-anticipated event in the wine world. Prior to this innovative eBook, information and recognition of the sparking Spanish specialty, cava, was extraordinarily difficult to come by. Taking note of this, one particular wine enthusiast and businessman jumped in to fill the cava void.
Anthony Swift, though not a Spanish local, was no stranger to the likes of cava. After moving from the UK to Spain, Swift cultivated an enormous interest in the heavily adored and produced wines of his new country. At last, in 2004, Swift had the brilliance to combine his wine passion with his educational and professional background, creating Penedes based tourism company, Wine Pleasures, which soon grew to be one of the leading wine event & tourism companies in all of Spain and would eventually become the perfect outlet for the first of many online wine publications, namely 50 Great Cavas. Swift proclaims, “Cava didn’t have a name to speak of within the wine community, so this eBook was the perfect way to provide that for both wine lovers and wine professionals.”
Chosen by the most experienced and discerning wine experts, the 50 cavas featured in this book are certainly remarkable. To ensure that the tasting process was fair and honest, the wines were classified and tasted according to dosage and aging time on the lees. This year’s judging procedure proved to be both difficult and fruitful, as the selection was so exceptional that each and every cava featured scored at least 91 points or above from the panel of experts.
This third annual publication of 50 Great Cavas not only provides its readers with the top cavas of 2013 and a thorough overview of the wine makers and vineyards from which they come, but also provides an overview of the origin in the Catalonia region, the history of its worldwide growth, and the creation process of the bubbling beauty itself. This makes it the perfect gift to share with both the wine experts and the ever-eager to learn wine enthusiasts in your life.
While the quality of cava this year is notably high, readers will find the prices to be quite the opposite. In fact, while the price of the cavas range from €5 to €40, ninety percent of this year’s selection come in under €20 per bottle, with many coming in under €10 per bottle, making them affordable for any occasion.
In the past, one small problem with this publication was giving readers an easy way to taste the cavas listed. As many of the vineyards that produce cava only sell them locally or to very specific surrounding countries in Europe, solely those with the time and means necessary to travel to Spain and the specific wineries within it had the ability to taste all of these noteworthy cavas. Lucky for readers this year, that the third time is the charm, as this is the first year that Wine Pleasure’s 50 Great Cavas has teamed up with Decantalo, an online Spanish wine shop, to bring any and all of the 50 Great Cavas directly to the front of all European door steps, giving customers the opportunity to have a bubbly sip of Spain right in their own homes. Furthermore, Decantalo is anticipating being able to ship each of the 50 Great Cavas to each of the 50 great states in the US as early as October of this year!
Another October event that Wine Pleasures is anxiously looking forward to is their first blogger -media trip, in which Anthony Swift himself will lead a small team of wine and travel blogger’s through the infamous Catalonian cava country to explore many of this year’s top cava producing wineries. “Our ultimate goal with this trip and, of course, with our publications of 50 Great Cavas is to generate greater awareness and appreciation of cava,” notes Swift, and it is certainly clear that he won’t be slowing down until cava’s rightful place is acknowledged, be it within the beverage menus, wine blogs, or even history books, of the wine world.
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